2017年11月6日 星期一

Melody Line in bVII / 降七級上的旋律線

Welcome to Soulless Project, this time in techniques from songs, we are going to use St. Vincent’s Happy Birthday, Johnny as a example to talk about melody line in bVII.

In the A section, most of the chords are in the key of Bb, except Ab, which is bVII in this key. There are different ways to write melody when you encounter this kind of borrowed chord. So let’s look at the A section to see how St. Vincent deals with it.

The notes in the 3rd and 4th bars are Bb, C, D,and F. The same group of notes as in 1st and 2nd bars. But the difference is, in first two bars, this group of notes sounds like normal major scale, while in 3rd and 4th bars, this group of notes sounds more Lydian with the Ab chord being played.

You can deem the melody line using the major pentatonic scale of 2nd degree of Ab. Even more the major pentatonic scale of the 5th degree of Eb, since Ab Lydian is the 4th mode of Eb major. 

So, now we know that, when we encounter bVii chord in a progression, we can just use the major pentatonic of the I to create some Lydian flavor.

If you are interested in using different pentatonic scale in the same chord, you can check out the video I made before to try out more. Otherwise, I will loop the A section for you, when you encounter the Ab chord try to use Bb major pentatonic to create some interesting lines!


這次Techniques From Songs將以St. Vincent的Happy Birthday, Johnny為例,來談談在降七級和弦中的旋律線。

在A段,多數的和弦都在Bb大調的順接和弦中,除了Ab和弦是這個調的降七級。面對降七級這種借用和弦時,有很多方法可以寫出旋律線,在這裡,我們就看看St. Vincent是怎麼做的。


我們可以視這段旋律線為使用Ab大調第二級和弦的大調五聲音階所編成,甚至想成Eb大調第五級和弦的大調五聲音階所組成。因為Ab Lydian即是Eb大調的第四級調式。



