這首歌收錄在Tennis上個月出的EP “We Can Die Happy”。
聽起來有點像Fleetwood Mac用了現代的編曲概念,再加上Lo-Fi聲響的感覺。一開頭乾乾的Hi-hat加上濕潤的vocal跟keyboard,就讓人有種空間跟時間的混淆感跟著keyboard的音色旋轉起來,再疊上濕一點的Hihat跟吉他Riff,Band In,可以開始跳舞了。
而在第二次副歌後時,反而是收掉樂團,拉回原本比較簡單的Grooving再接回主歌。並在這樣的襯底下唱著We Can Die Tonight配合上拉的情緒,再拉回十六分音符節奏的副歌後。
除了這首歌之外,整張EP其實都挺不錯的,像是多了些復古風味的Dream Pop。大家也可以去找來聽聽看!
This song is included in the EP "We Can Die Happy" released by Tennis in last month.
It sounds like Fleetwood Mac with contemporary composing concept and Lo-Fi sounds. In the beginning, the dry hi-hat combines with wet vocal and keyboard, which gives me a confusion of time and space that rotates with the keyboard sound. When the wet hi-hat and guitar riff come, band in, it's time to dance.
In the first chorus, my emotion rises with the keyboard, but it goes even higher with 16th note rhythmic post chorus part before moving back to interlude.
While, in the second post chorus, they drop out the band and return to the verse with the basic grooving. In this grooving, they start to sing "We die dance tonight." and goes to the last 16th post chorus with the rising emotion.
So good, it's like a dessert after meal, sweet but not sickly.
The whole EP is pretty good, like Dream pop sound with retro taste. It worths to check it out.