2017年11月27日 星期一

Techniques From Songs: A˚7 Double Stop Lick(孫燕姿 Sun Yanzi - 我很愉快 A State of Bliss)

這次Techniques From Songs要從孫燕姿的我很愉快中取一段A˚7的樂句出來。我有做首歌的吉他伴奏Cover,可以先去看看再過來這裡。

這裡利用了A diminished scale的double stop,由於句子只有兩拍,所以我試著利用diminished scale可以往平移小三度的特性,將句子double stop的部分往上移動再演奏一次,變成一個小節的樂句!



This time in Techniques From Songs, we are going to draw a A˚7 lick out from Sun Yanzi’s A State of Blues.

I’ve made a guitar backing cover for this song, check it out if you are interested.

This lick appears in the 3rd beat of 3rd bar in the intro. It is a lick in A˚/D going to Gma7.
This lick plays double stop in A diminished scale. Since it lasts only 2 beats, I utilize the character that diminished can be shift in minor 3rd and play the lick again in higher position to make it a 1 bar lick.
Although I still put A˚/D on the paper, it actually suit to A˚7 and you can resolve to any chord A˚7 may goes to.

Also, I’ve mentioned the concept about moving a same lick to different positions and keys. Try do so to make it more useful!

2017年11月21日 星期二

Pd Note Lesson 6: Conditional Logic with Spigot & Moses

ㄧ、Spigot (If): 嘗試利用Spigot製造若大於100則演奏的patch
Object (Command+1) —> Type “makenote 64 250” (makenote velocity milliseconds)
Inlets: MIDI note number / Velocity / Duration
Outlets: MIDI note number / Velocity

Object (Command+1) —> Type “noteout 1” (noteout channel)
Inlets: MIDI note number / Velocity / Channel

將“makenote 64 250”的outlet “MIDI note number”、“Velocity”連接到“noteout 1”的inlets “MIDI note number”、“Velocity"

Message (Command+2) —> Type “64“, “71”
連接到“makenote 64 250”的inlet “MIDI note number”
**若不熟悉MIDI Number與音的關係,可以上網搜尋“MIDI Number“

Trigger: Object(Command+1)—>Type” t b b”

Object (Command+1) —> Type “spigot” (if) (bng, Gate open/close)

Object (Command+1) —> Type “>100” (if >100, send 1)

Number (command+3) —> 連到“>100”
Number (command+3) —> inlet連到“>100”outlet,outlet連到”spigot”的兩個inlet
**spigot右側inlet決定Gate open/close,左側inlet負責bng
—>只要最上方Number大於100,就會演奏這兩個音“64“, “71”

二、Moses(If, else)
Object (Command+1) —> Type “makenote 64 250” (makenote velocity milliseconds)
Inlets: MIDI note number / Velocity / Duration
Outlets: MIDI note number / Velocity

Object (Command+1) —> Type “noteout 1” (noteout channel)
Inlets: MIDI note number / Velocity / Channel

將“makenote 64 250”的outlet “MIDI note number”、“Velocity”連接到“noteout 1”的inlets “MIDI note number”、“Velocity”

Message (Command+2) —> Type “64“, “71”
連接到“makenote 64 250”的inlet “MIDI note number”
Trigger: Object(Command+1)—>Type” t b b”
Object (Command+1) —> Type “bng”
連到”t b b”

Message (Command+2) —> Type “60“, “67”
連接到“makenote 64 250”的inlet “MIDI note number”
Trigger: Object(Command+1)—>Type” t b b”
Object (Command+1) —> Type “bng”
連到”t b b”

Object (Command+1) —> Type “moses 50 1” (If >=50 bng right, else bng left)
右側連到“64“, “71”的”bng”,左側連到60“,”67“的”bng”

Number (command+3) —> 連到“Moses 50”
—>滑動Number時,可以發現它會送出所顯示之數字,並且會因為moses 50決定送到哪一側
—> >=50 演奏“64“, “71”,<50演奏“60“,”67“

Message (Command+2) —> Type “80”
連接到”moses 50”的cold outlet —> 觸發後可改變”moses 50”為”moses 80”

Lesson Source

2017年11月20日 星期一

Cover Songs: 孫燕姿 Sun Yanzi - 我很愉快 A State of Bliss(和弦譜Chords / 吉他伴奏 Guitar Baking)



The piano in this song played some really interesting notes, although I simplified them into rather normal chords to put on the chart. But in the video, I will still play those notes.

2017年11月13日 星期一

Listen: Tennis - No Exit

這首歌收錄在Tennis上個月出的EP “We Can Die Happy”。

聽起來有點像Fleetwood Mac用了現代的編曲概念,再加上Lo-Fi聲響的感覺。一開頭乾乾的Hi-hat加上濕潤的vocal跟keyboard,就讓人有種空間跟時間的混淆感跟著keyboard的音色旋轉起來,再疊上濕一點的Hihat跟吉他Riff,Band In,可以開始跳舞了。


而在第二次副歌後時,反而是收掉樂團,拉回原本比較簡單的Grooving再接回主歌。並在這樣的襯底下唱著We Can Die Tonight配合上拉的情緒,再拉回十六分音符節奏的副歌後。


除了這首歌之外,整張EP其實都挺不錯的,像是多了些復古風味的Dream Pop。大家也可以去找來聽聽看!


This song is included in the EP "We Can Die Happy" released by Tennis in last month.

It sounds like Fleetwood Mac with contemporary composing concept and Lo-Fi sounds. In the beginning, the dry hi-hat combines with wet vocal and keyboard, which gives me a confusion of time and space that rotates with the keyboard sound. When the wet hi-hat and guitar riff come, band in, it's time to dance.

In the first chorus, my emotion rises with the keyboard, but it goes even higher with 16th note rhythmic post chorus part before moving back to interlude.

While, in the second post chorus, they drop out the band and return to the verse with the basic grooving. In this grooving, they start to sing "We die dance tonight." and goes to the last 16th post chorus with the rising emotion.

So good, it's like a dessert after meal, sweet but not sickly.

The whole EP is pretty good, like Dream pop sound with retro taste. It worths to check it out.

2017年11月9日 星期四

Pd Note Lesson 5 : MIDI (Mac) & Makenote

Application —> Utility —> Audio MIDI Setup —> IAC Driver —> Device is online
—>將所使用的DAW之類MIDI Setting中的IAC Driver設為On
** 需再開啟Pd前設定好

Pd —> Preference —> MIDI Setting —> Output device —> IAC Driver

Object (Command+1) —> Type “makenote 80 500” (makenote velocity milliseconds)
Inlets: MIDI note number / Velocity / Duration
Outlets: MIDI note number / Velocity

Object (Command+1) —> Type “noteout 1” (noteout channel)
Inlets: MIDI note number / Velocity / Channel

將“makenote 80 500”的outlet “MIDI note number”、“Velocity”連接到“noteout 1”的inlets “MIDI note number”、“Velocity”

Message (Command+2) —> Type “60“ (MIDI Note Number)
連接到“makenote 80 500”的inlet “MIDI note number”


Message (Command+2) —> Type “64“, “67”
連接到“makenote 80 500”的inlet “MIDI note number”

Trigger: Object(Command+1)—>Type” t b b b”

Object (Command+1) —> Type “bng” 


Message (Command+2) —> Type “60 64 67”
連接到“makenote 80 500”的inlet “MIDI note number” —> 得到的並不是三個音,而是”“MIDI Note Number/Velocity/Duration”

**現在若”bng”,也會變成短促的C和弦,因為已經被”60 64 67”的訊號覆蓋,需要另外覆蓋duration來回覆時間
—>Message (Command+2) —> Type “500”
連接到“makenote 80 500”的inlet”milliseconds”


Object (Command+1) —> Type “noteout 1”
Message (Command+2) —> Type “60 80”, “60 0”(MIDI note number/Velocity)
連接 “60 80”, “60 0”的outlet到“noteout 1”的”inlet “MIDI note number” 

Lock後點 “60 80”就會持續播放,點“60 0”就會停止。
**需要同一個MIDI note才有辦法透過這個方法On/Off

問題:為什麼在這裡需要Trigger? 順序並不影響發出的C和弦吧?

2017年11月6日 星期一

Melody Line in bVII / 降七級上的旋律線

Welcome to Soulless Project, this time in techniques from songs, we are going to use St. Vincent’s Happy Birthday, Johnny as a example to talk about melody line in bVII.

In the A section, most of the chords are in the key of Bb, except Ab, which is bVII in this key. There are different ways to write melody when you encounter this kind of borrowed chord. So let’s look at the A section to see how St. Vincent deals with it.

The notes in the 3rd and 4th bars are Bb, C, D,and F. The same group of notes as in 1st and 2nd bars. But the difference is, in first two bars, this group of notes sounds like normal major scale, while in 3rd and 4th bars, this group of notes sounds more Lydian with the Ab chord being played.

You can deem the melody line using the major pentatonic scale of 2nd degree of Ab. Even more the major pentatonic scale of the 5th degree of Eb, since Ab Lydian is the 4th mode of Eb major. 

So, now we know that, when we encounter bVii chord in a progression, we can just use the major pentatonic of the I to create some Lydian flavor.

If you are interested in using different pentatonic scale in the same chord, you can check out the video I made before to try out more. Otherwise, I will loop the A section for you, when you encounter the Ab chord try to use Bb major pentatonic to create some interesting lines!


這次Techniques From Songs將以St. Vincent的Happy Birthday, Johnny為例,來談談在降七級和弦中的旋律線。

在A段,多數的和弦都在Bb大調的順接和弦中,除了Ab和弦是這個調的降七級。面對降七級這種借用和弦時,有很多方法可以寫出旋律線,在這裡,我們就看看St. Vincent是怎麼做的。


我們可以視這段旋律線為使用Ab大調第二級和弦的大調五聲音階所編成,甚至想成Eb大調第五級和弦的大調五聲音階所組成。因為Ab Lydian即是Eb大調的第四級調式。



Pd Note Lesson 4: Metro

metro: 讓你可以特定間距送出bang,並且具備cold inlet讓你可以在bang之間變動間距長度。 

A: Metronome 
Object (Command+1) —> Type metro 500 
** metro後的數字是一個creation argument,讓你設定bang的時間間距(以milliseconds為單位,1 second=1000 milliseconds) 

Object (Command+1) —> Type “bng” —> 將metro的Outlet連到bng的inlet 

Message (Command+2) —> Type ”1” —> 用來啟動 
Message (Command+2) —> Type ”0” —> 用來停止 
—>都將outlet連接到metro的hot inlet,在這裡連接順序並不影響 

B: BPM Metronome 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “metro” 
Message (Command+2) —> Type “60000” (分子,1 min. = 60000 milliseconds) 
Number (command+3) —> 用來設定BPM(分母) 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “/“ 
Object(Command+1)—>Type” t b b b” (Trigger) 
—> Trigger右側之outlet連到Number, 中間之outlet連到”60000”、左側Outlet連到”metro” 

Object (Command+1) —> Type “bng” (用來啟動)—> 將bng的outlet連到Trigger的Inlet 
將分母的outlet連到”/“的cold inlet,將分子的outlet連到”/“的hot inlet 

在 ”/“ 與 ”metro“ 間設定一些”Number”來看看除出的結果 
Number (command+3) —> inlet連到 ”/“ 的Outlet 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “i” (int, integer 只保留整數,也可以不用) —> inlet接到 “/“ 的outlet 
連接 ”i” 的 outlet到 metro的cold inlet(argument) 

Message (Command+2) —> Type ”0” —> 用來停止 

Object (Command+1) —> Type “bng” —> 將metro的Outlet連到bng的inlet 
—>調整BPM值後觸發,即可得BPM Metronome 
—>在運作中調整BPM值,因為並沒有再次觸發 ”/“ ,所以速度並不會改變,需要重新觸發才有用。 

B-1: 加入BPM預設值 
Message (Command+2) —> Type “60“ —>將outlet連到分母的inlet 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “loadbang” —>在patch啟動時送出一次bang來初始化這串patch 

B-2: 加入Counter 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “i” 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “+ 1” 
Number (command+3) —> 用來查看”metro”的outlet(總是1?) 
—>metro的outlet連到Number的inlet、”i” 的inlet 
—>”i” 的outlet連到 ”+ 1”的hot inlet 
—>”+ 1”的outlet連到 “i” 的cold inlet 

Number (command+3) —> inlet連接”i”的 outlet,用來查看”i”的outlet 
Object (Command+1) —> Type “% 8” : Modulo 8,每計算八次就從頭開始。 
Number (command+3) —> inlet連接”% 8”的 outlet,用來查看”% 8”的outlet 

Message (Command+2) —> Type “0“ —> 將計數歸零 
—>Outlet連到 ”i” 的cold inlet 

2017年11月4日 星期六

Pd Note Lesson 3: Basic Math & Bang Order

Message(Command+1) —> type “10”
Message(Command+1) —>type ”5”
Object(Command+1)—> type”+”

Number (command+3) —>連接+的outlet到Number的Inlet

—> ‘Command+1 —> Type “bng” ‘

—>Object(Command+1)—>Type” t (or trigger ) b b”

**Hot Inlet永遠都會被執行,也就是最左邊的inlet

1. Argument是什麼?
2. 所以Hot Inlet的內容會先被執行,即便Cold Inlet後來放入5到Argument,但因為10跟+已經先被執行,所以也不影響結果?

2017年11月1日 星期三

Pd Note Lesson 2: Help!

Command+1 —> type “metro”  (節拍器)

—>Unlock “Help”,還可以直接複製其內容,包含文字。