2019年4月18日 星期四

Cover : John Mayer - Love on the Weekend (Intro, Interlude, Bridge Riff)


另外關於Intro的riff,我發現John Mayer在演唱會時除了高音的樂句之外,右手拇指還會撥弄低音弦,但由於在錄音室版本中,我實在聽不太出來,因此我接下來演奏也只會有高音的樂句。
You can hear the main riff and arpeggio from electric guitar, and the strumming form acoustic guitar. Since the strum and arpeggio part is more flexible, I will focus on the main riff and bridge part.

Also, about the main riff. I found that John Mayer struck the lower strings a couple times while playing the riff, but I can hardly hear it from the studio version, so I am not going to play it in the video.

