刷弦的動態是一個重要的音色控制角色。刷弦時,透過位置、範圍、輕重的改變,可以影響音色非常多。一段演奏若是一直維持同樣的演奏動態,聽起來其實會有點枯燥乏味。我在這裡會演奏Wish You Were的前奏片段,請參考原曲,並觀察我的演奏,再用附上的譜例試著演奏看看。也試著將這樣的概念,放到平日的演奏中喔!
The dynamic of strumming hand is a key role for controlling the tone. The position, range and power of your strumming influences the sound a lot. It is insipid when you keep the same strumming dynamic all the way through. I will play through the rhythm part of the intro of Wish You Were Here. Listen to the original song and take a look at my playing before you try out! Also, put this concept in your own songs!