這次Techniques From Songs要延續「彭佳慧的關你屁事啊」利用第一段Rap的電吉他樂句,來講一下「樂句的細節」。
This time in Techniques From song, we are going to talk about the detail inside the electric guitar riff in Julia Peng’s None of your business.
In the 3rd, 4th beat of the 1st bar and 1st beat of 2nd bar, there are 4 notes which are G#, G#, D#, D#. The guitarist slides into the 1st and 4th note, which gives the same note different feel.
The group of notes in the 4th beat of the 2nd bar can be deemed ornament. It is like an auxiliary word, which doesn’t really mean something. It’s alright to not play those notes, but it really feels different if you do so.
This time in Techniques From song, we are going to talk about the detail inside the electric guitar riff in Julia Peng’s None of your business.
In the 3rd, 4th beat of the 1st bar and 1st beat of 2nd bar, there are 4 notes which are G#, G#, D#, D#. The guitarist slides into the 1st and 4th note, which gives the same note different feel.
The group of notes in the 4th beat of the 2nd bar can be deemed ornament. It is like an auxiliary word, which doesn’t really mean something. It’s alright to not play those notes, but it really feels different if you do so.
There is a G note in the 2nd beat of the 4th bar, a note that is not in the key of E. After previous two defending note, the guitarist went one more half step to G. In a C#7 chord, it is a b5 and forms a augmented chord with the following D# and B note.
Try to follow the chart and listen to the fill one more time, to see if you can notice these thing! Also, try it out with the loop in the video.