2018年1月30日 星期二

Listen: Sangpuy(桑布伊) - The Power of Life

This time in Listen we are going to talk about Sangpuy’s “The Power of Life”.

Sangpuy is an established indigenous singer from Taiwan. “The Power of Life” is a song from his album “Yaangad” released in 2016. It is based on the song, “The Root of Life”, which is the first song of this album. 

It feels like “The Root of Life” is a song singing the melody of life. Without complex backing instruments, the melody sung by Sangpuy alone, is full of the power of nature. 

But “The Power of Life” takes it to a totally different place with an attempt to give it some electronic touch. It’s like all the rumbling sounds are trying to build up an image of endless sprouting of the mother nature. Although it is a quite opposite choice, the song is still really fascinating. 


這次Listen要聊聊桑布伊的《The Power of Life》。

桑布伊是相當知名的原住民歌手。《The Power of Life》是根基於《The Root of Life》 這首歌,而這兩首歌都收錄在2016年的專輯《椏幹》中。

感覺上《The Root of Life》是一個永唱生命的歌曲。沒有太多的配器,桑布伊的歌聲就直接展現了大自然的生命力。但《The Power of Life》則做了完全不同的選擇,一樣的詠唱基底上添加了電子的元素。但這些聲響咕嚕咕嚕的感覺,就像是在構築一個大自然不斷循環萌芽的畫面,還是充滿力量。雖然是一個完全相反的選擇,但仍是相當迷人的聲響。

2018年1月23日 星期二

Techniques From Songs: 樂句的細節 (關你屁事啊 – 彭佳慧 feat. 熊仔 (EG Fills in Rap))

這次Techniques From Songs要延續「彭佳慧的關你屁事啊」利用第一段Rap的電吉他樂句,來講一下「樂句的細節」。






This time in Techniques From song, we are going to talk about the detail inside the electric guitar riff in Julia Peng’s None of your business.

In the 3rd, 4th beat of the 1st bar and 1st beat of 2nd bar, there are 4 notes which are G#, G#, D#, D#. The guitarist slides into the 1st and 4th note, which gives the same note different feel.

The group of notes in the 4th beat of the 2nd bar can be deemed ornament. It is like an auxiliary word, which doesn’t really mean something. It’s alright to not play those notes, but it really feels different if you do so.

There is a G note in the 2nd beat of the 4th bar, a note that is not in the key of E. After previous two defending note, the guitarist went one more half step to G. In a C#7 chord, it is a b5 and forms a augmented chord with the following D# and B note.

Try to follow the chart and listen to the fill one more time, to see if you can notice these thing! Also, try it out with the loop in the video.

2018年1月16日 星期二

Cover Songs: 關你屁事啊 – 彭佳慧 feat. 熊仔 (和弦譜 Chords/吉他伴奏 Guitar Backing)

這次Cover Songs的主題是彭佳慧的關你屁事啊

這是一首帶著一些Fusion、80年代City Pop樂風的曲子,其實主流公司會推出這樣的新歌,稍微有點讓人意外呢。這首歌有用一些延伸和弦,假如覺得這樣的和弦太過困難,可以考慮簡化成七和弦,聽聽看效果是否能夠接受。



This time I am going to cover None of Your Business by Julia Peng.

It is a song in the style of fusion and 80's city pop. It is surprising that mainstream company released a new song like this. There a some extended chords in this song, if it is not so friendly to you, you can try to use 7th chords instead of them and see if you like the sound. 

I tried to put melody in chart this time. I also wanted to type numbered musical notation, but I gave up, because I didn't know how to put a dot on or under a number. Please let me know how to do it, if you know. I didn't put the rap on the chart, sorry, I am pretty lazy.

2018年1月9日 星期二

Listen: Chet Baker - Lament

這次Listen要聊的是Chet Baker的Lament


這首Lament收錄的是現場的Trio版本,Chet Baker吹小號、Jean-Louis Rassinfosse彈Double Bass、Philip Catherine彈吉他。之所以想要拿這個版本出來講,是因為我覺得在這場演出中,這三個人的對話性非常的好,他們的演奏非常流暢而恰到好處地填滿空間,支撐著主奏,也填補空白的色彩。另外,吉他手會在一些出乎意料的地方加入連續的分解和弦,相當有趣。希望你們也會喜歡。


This time in Listen, we are going to talk about Lament by Chet Baker.

This version is included in the album Live& Rare. There is not much information about this album on the internet, which (by the name) I suppose is a album that puts some rare live version of songs together.

Lament is a live trio versions. Chat Baker on trumpet, Jean-Louis Rassinfosse on double bass, Philip Catherine on guitar. The reason I want to talk about this version is that the conversation between instruments is so fluent. They comp for the lead and fill the empty space perfectly. Also, the guitarist use continuous arpeggio in some surprising timing, which is really interesting.