2017年10月30日 星期一

Mr Jukes - Grant Green ft. Charles Bradley

At first, I clicked this song just because the thumbnail and the cowbell in the intro was so cool. I didn’t expect something this good.

This song is filled with soul! 

Charles Bradley’s ebullient sining meets the groovy arrangement from Mr Jukes. A brilliant combination gives me an imaginative experience, just like the colorful and surreal music video.

By the way, don’t forget to check out Grant Green’s music. They also sampled one of his songs in the intro.




Charles Bradley奔放的歌聲加上Mr Jukes充滿律動感的編曲,構成一個出色的組合,給我一種非常具有想像力的聆聽經驗,就像是這首歌色彩繽紛又超現實的MV。

順帶一提,也去聽聽看Grant Green的音樂吧!他們在這首曲子的前奏也有sample一小段他的歌來使用。

