2017年10月31日 星期二

Pd Note Lesson 1: "Hello World"

Unlock Canvas / Lock Canvas: Command+E

Put —> Message (command+2) —> Type “Hello World”

Command+1(object) —>Type “print” (a way to debut the message?)
游標移向”Hello World”下方粗線,會變成圓圈,拉向“print”上方的粗線
—>點”Hello World”時會出現”Hello World”在Console

Command+1 —> Type “bng” —> 將盒子下方粗線連接到”Hello World“上方粗線Lock後,可透過此按鈕觸發”Hello World”
—>像是一個觸發事件用的按鈕?basically means do something.
*Command+2 —> Type “bang” —> 連接後可以得到相同效果

Lesson Source

2017年10月30日 星期一

Mr Jukes - Grant Green ft. Charles Bradley

At first, I clicked this song just because the thumbnail and the cowbell in the intro was so cool. I didn’t expect something this good.

This song is filled with soul! 

Charles Bradley’s ebullient sining meets the groovy arrangement from Mr Jukes. A brilliant combination gives me an imaginative experience, just like the colorful and surreal music video.

By the way, don’t forget to check out Grant Green’s music. They also sampled one of his songs in the intro.




Charles Bradley奔放的歌聲加上Mr Jukes充滿律動感的編曲,構成一個出色的組合,給我一種非常具有想像力的聆聽經驗,就像是這首歌色彩繽紛又超現實的MV。

順帶一提,也去聽聽看Grant Green的音樂吧!他們在這首曲子的前奏也有sample一小段他的歌來使用。

2017年10月23日 星期一

St. Vincent - Happy Birthday, Johnny

This time I am going to cover “Happy Birthday, Johnny” by St. Vincent.

This song is in key of Bb. Capo on 1st fret and play in A is an easier option, but we still have to deal with some barred chords.


這次我要Cover要彈的是St. Vincet的Happy Birthday, Johnny。


2017年10月16日 星期一

音階的四度音練習應用 ( Application of Minor Scale in 4th)

這次Techniques From Songs的主題將以楊丞琳的青春住了誰中的電吉他獨奏討論音階的四度音練習應用。



而在這一小節的中,樂句大多以四度音前進,雖然這或許只被當成五聲音階慣用的技巧,但我們可以把這個概念抽出來,應用在完整的小調音階練習上。這樣即是我們以1 - 4、2 - 5、b3 - b6…的四度音程來演奏音階。




This time in Techniques From Songs, we are going to talk about the application of Minor Scale in 4th from the solo of this song.

This is the 2nd to the last bar of the solo part.
The whole song is in the key of E, but in here the guitar player use E minor Pentatonic scale to match the G chord. The E major feel doesn't come back until the B chord.

In this measure, the note are basically moving in 4th. although we can deem it a cliche of minor pentatonic scale solo, we can apply the concept into a natural minor scales, like 1-4, 2-4, b3-b6... etc.

So if we put it into a whole pattern, it will be like this:

You can try to apply the scale in 4th concept to different patterns, positions, and keys. Also, use it in your own solo. I will keep a loop that sounds like the last two bars of the solo, try it yourself!

2017年10月12日 星期四

楊丞琳 - 青春住了誰




I decided to record this song because there were no one doing this back then yet. But a couple days ago people started to upload some videos for it. Whatever.

This Song is in the key of E. It will be easier to capo on 4th fret and play C. The chart here is slightly simplified for peoples who use capo, but just pay attention to those extra 2 beats. In the video, I will not use capo and the content is more complex, too.

2017年10月2日 星期一

The Clientele - Everything You See Tonight Is Different From Itself





Because of the sound and beats in the beginning of this song, the following chord sounds like it is made by a electronic music instrument, too. It takes me a while too realize that it is a sound of some kind of string instrument, which is really interesting and a good combination between analog and digital sound.

The instrumental background sounds a bit cold, but after the vocal comes in, it feels like "a cold background with determinate warmth". The whole song basically maintain this kind of feel, though there are hard and twisted chord sometimes, it will compensate with strings or horns.

It feels like "In a freezing night, though the wind and cold make  you shiver, you still walk forward firmly."A song with a vivid image, nice one.