2018年7月25日 星期三

Techniques From Songs: Minor Line Cliche(艾怡良 (Eve Ai) - 無數個我 (The Unrecognized))

這次要延續上次的話題,跟大家聊聊艾怡良的無數個我的和弦進行。還沒聽過的人,請先點一下傳送門(Cover / 原曲)!


這一段和弦進行是小調Line Cliche的著名範圍,而這首歌的和弦進行應該就是以小調Line Cliche為基礎來做變化!Line Cliche基本上是針對同一個和弦的某一個聲部移動,來達到變化的效果。


作曲者一樣針對Fm和弦的五度做變化,只是他的變化是5, #5, b7, 6,而進入到6時,他改以Bb7和弦來搭配,而不是繼續留在Fm和弦。

一樣類似的手法,也可以用在大調,聽聽看90年代情歌金曲Kiss Me的前奏跟主歌!



If you haven't heard this song, please check it out first! (Cover / Original)

Before we talk about the intro of this song, I believe most of you have heard the theme of 007 series.Did you find that it sounds familiar with this song?

The chord progression of 007 theme is a well-known example for minor line cliche! Line Cliche basically means to move one note of a chord in stepwise to create a motion in static chord progression.

Like in 007 theme, the 5th of Fm moves to #5 and 6.

The song “The Unrecognized” is a similar example.
The song-writer also moves the 5th of Fm, but it moves to #5, b7, 6. While it moves to 6, the chord changes to Bb7, instead of stay in Fm.

It could also be applied to major chord progression. Let’s listen to the 90’s hit Kiss Me as an example.

Try to use line cliche in your song, too!

2018年7月18日 星期三

Cover: 艾怡良(Eve Ai) - 無數個我(The Unrecognized)




This time I'm going to cover The Unrecognized by Eve Ai.

There are may things could be discussed in the chord progression of this song, but let’s save it for the next time.

For playing-wise, it’s a song in F minor, so capo on the first fret would make it easier, but you still have to play some barre chords. Also, you have to be familiar to the variations of the E shape minor chord.

2018年7月1日 星期日

不推薦5000元以下吉他的3個 (The 3 Reasons Why Not to Recommend Acoustic Guitars under $150)







This time we are going to talk about “the 3 reasons why not to recommend acoustic guitars under $150”

The first reason is the feel.
Cheap guitars usually don’t feel that good playing-wise, pressing-wise, holding-wise. 

And this leads to the second reason: Tone. 
When you are not so comfortable with your guitar, for beginners, it’s not that easy to produce solid, ideal sound. Even you do, it’s not likely that you will like the tone. 

This brings to the last reason: Passion. 
When it takes that much efforts to produce a solid sound, people might feel really frustrated and even give up playing guitar. 

$150 is just a general standard, since the price of guitar fluctuates and I personally have just found a decent acoustic guitar in $140. But deem it a general standard, most people who choose guitars under $150 are beginners. I do think you should avoid those guitars to have a happier journey with guitar. For those guitars under $150, I personally recommend to use them as flowerpot, that should look good.