2017年12月25日 星期一

Live: 湖水藍 - 散步路線(Cover) in 家吶子 台式居酒屋





2017年12月18日 星期一

Techniques From Songs: 推弦的表情(The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps)

這次的Techniques From Songs要聊聊「推弦的表情」。


在這些前情提要後再來看上週CoverWhile My Guitar Gently Weeps





This time in Techniques From Songs, we are going to talk about the expression of bending.

Bending is a very “guitar” technique, which conveys a player’s playing character.

It isn’t only a technique pushing strings upward, but also relates to how high you bend, how fast you bend, what you are going to do when you reach the pitch. Releasing the string is another thing, where you are releasing to, how fast you release. You can also combine bending with other techniques into a combo. In sum, bending is a really expressive technique.

In last week, I covered the guitar solo of The Beatles's While My Guitar Gently Weeps and mentioned that it is a good song for practicing bending. But why?

First, he bends in half note, whole note and one whole and half note. That is the most commonly used bending range.
Second, his vibrato after reaching the pitch is very distinctive.
Last, there are a lot of combos.

We didn't talk much about "speed" this time, the speed of bending and releasing.
Although there are many possibilities, let's stop at here for now. Since now we know there are  different aspects about bending, next time when you are practicing, try to focus more on these details!

2017年12月11日 星期一

Cover Songs: The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Solo & Backing Track / 獨奏與伴奏)

This time, I am going to cover the solo part of The Beatles’s While My Guitar Gently Weep.

It is a good song for people who’s practicing bending. After the cover part, I will play the backing one more time without the solo guitar, so remember to try it yourself.


這次Cover Songs的主題是The Beatles的While My Guitar Gently Weeps的吉他獨奏。


2017年12月4日 星期一

Listen: Mac DeMarco - One More Love Song

這次Listen的主題是Mac DeMarco的One More Love Song

這是一首安靜、寬廣的失戀歌曲,會有一種並沒有真得懂了什麼、學到了什麼,也還沒有說真的都放下、豁然,但就以一種「或許就是這樣吧?」的心情接受了,讓我聯想到「9 songs」這部電影。

曲子的編制和發展其實滿簡單的,剛剛好襯著這樣的主題。節奏組鬆鬆的Swing 16th的節奏感,加上吉他凸顯十六分音符第二點,就這樣一波一波、緩緩低推著曲子向前。一開始的Synth音色其實有點玩味,或許還有點在嘲笑自己,但是進副歌後鋼琴進來讓整個空間感拉開,情緒跟著也液了出來。



This is a calm and broad song about failed love. It doesn't fee like one learned something or let the feeling go, but accept the failure like "maybe that's it?", which makes me think about the movie <9 songs>.

The arrangement and development of this song is pretty simple, which suits the topic well. The loose swing 16th feel of the rhythm section and the guitar's accent of 2nd 16th note of every beat 1 push the song slowly forward like wave by wave. The synth melody in the intro feels like one still laughed at oneself, but the piano in the chorus makes the space broaden and carry out the emotion.

Although compare to this song, his live performance is quite interesting in a special way. Maybe this is some kind of gap moe?