因此,我將從Steely Dan的Josie中挑選了一個簡短的兩小節樂句,試著演示一次假若我想要將一個樂句拿下來,會怎麼練習。
相對於背景的Em7和弦,這個句子基本上是由E小調音階與經過音組合,分別是E小調的b7, b7, 6, 7, b3, 1。
照著這樣演練的話,樂句會相對比較能夠被掌握住。其實真的要拿下來,還會需要練習在不同調中演奏,並且一直試著在各種場合使用出來,但這個部分這次就先不討論。我會在影片尾段放著Em7的Backing Loop,希望大家可以試試在不同指型、把為演奏看看這個句子。
We cannot just keep repeating a lick until we remember it to really master it. Because there are so many different position for just one note, not even mention that there are different octaves.
So, to really learn a lick, we have to play it in different positions. Furthermore, if we want to be able to use it freely, we have to analyze it with the backing chord. Or it will only be a repeating hand movement that makes sound, which we don't know where to use it.
In here, I choose a two bars lick form Josie by Steely Dan to demonstrate what I would do to really learn a lick.
First, this is the lick I choose.
When analyze it with Em7 chord comping, it is basically formed by a E minor scale with passing notes. These notes areb7, b7, 6, 7, b3, 1 of E minor scale.
Scale systems of guitar usually divide the neck into 5 or 7 patterns. Because I am more familiar with the CAGED system, which divides it into 5 patterns, I will play the lick in every one of those 5 patterns.
You are more likely to really get the lick on your hand through this way. To master it, you still have to practice it in different key and keep using it in different situations, but let's stop at here for now. I will loop the Em7 backing in the end, so try to do this yourself!
First, this is the lick I choose.
When analyze it with Em7 chord comping, it is basically formed by a E minor scale with passing notes. These notes areb7, b7, 6, 7, b3, 1 of E minor scale.
Scale systems of guitar usually divide the neck into 5 or 7 patterns. Because I am more familiar with the CAGED system, which divides it into 5 patterns, I will play the lick in every one of those 5 patterns.
You are more likely to really get the lick on your hand through this way. To master it, you still have to practice it in different key and keep using it in different situations, but let's stop at here for now. I will loop the Em7 backing in the end, so try to do this yourself!